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Craving (Regency Lovers 3) Page 9

  Magnus stilled, totally overwhelmed by Sophia’s admission that her only physical relationship prior to their own was a nightmare experience she would rather forget.

  How was that even possible?

  Sophia was the most beautiful woman Magnus had ever met in his life, both inside and out. He had wanted her the moment he saw her. He had craved her every moment since, these past few days awash with thoughts of her, and his nights, when he did manage to sleep, filled with dreams of her.

  Even the thought that Sophia had remained untouched by physical pleasure all these years, until yesterday evening, was enough to cause Magnus’s already engorged cock to throb and ache.

  He cleared his throat before speaking. “Are you sure you wish me to be your first lover? I would be your first lover,” he stated firmly as she would have spoken. “Innocence comes in many forms, Sophia, and the claim of an intact hymen is only one of them.” He gave a hard smile. “I am sure many a bride has arrived in front of the altar with that proof of their virginity intact but with their body completely debauched in every other way.”

  Sophia studied him closely, noting the tautness of his jaw, the deepening of the lines beside mouth and eyes, the bleakness of expression in the latter. “Is that what happened to you?”

  He nodded abruptly. “Apparently, prior to our marriage, my wife had a liking for the stable hands on her father’s estate. But so as to present her future husband with her virginity, she ensured they only took her in places that would not rob her of that.”

  Sophia felt decidedly nauseous at the other woman’s duplicity. “This is the reason the two of you no longer shared a bed once she was expecting Clarissa.”

  A nerve pulsed in Magnus’s tightly clenched jaw. “The very idea of doing so sickened me.”

  And yet Sophia knew instinctively, and from his manner toward her this evening, Magnus did not feel that same disgust with regard to making love to and with her, despite knowing she had once been raped and robbed of her own virginity.

  Sophia could only gather up her own courage and hold out her hand to Magnus. “In that case, I should very much like to spend the night in your bedchamber, in your bed, with you.”

  Magnus could only stare for several long and stunned seconds at the hand Sophia held out to him.

  For so many years, he had been used to accepting what little he had for the sake of his daughter he adored. To suddenly be on the verge of having something, someone he wanted more than his next breath, totally robbed him of speech and movement.

  “Are you sure?” he finally managed to prompt huskily. “I do not want you to feel obligated, after the things we have discussed, into sharing my bed tonight.”

  Her smile was rueful. “I believe, after ten years of knowing what I do not want, that I am more than capable of deciding what I do want. I want you, Magnus,” she stated clearly so that there should be no further misunderstandings or doubts. “I should like it to be some time tonight, if that is not too much trouble?” she added self-derisively when he only continued to stare at her. “Before I lose my nerve.”

  The column of Magnus’s throat moved as he swallowed before speaking gruffly. “I am unaccustomed to being teased. But I like it,” he assured quickly as he finally—finally—took Sophia’s much smaller hand into his. “I like it very much when you are the one doing the teasing,” he added warmly.

  Sophia had a feeling from the things Magnus had told her that apart from his obvious love for Clarissa, there had been little joy or laughter in Magnus’s life for a very long time. Even longer than it had been since she had known any joy in hers, other than in her young pupils. Perhaps they might find that joy together?

  “Then I believe it is time the two of us went upstairs,” she invited softly.

  Chapter 10

  Magnus’s bedchamber was every bit as austere and without visible personal items as Sophia had thought it might be now that she knew him. The furniture was large and made of dark mahogany, the carpet and velvet drapes a royal blue. There were two paintings on the walls facing each other, both of them of horses that might or might not have once belonged to Magnus. Although somehow, Sophia doubted it.

  There was absolutely nothing in the room to identify Magnus as being its occupant. None of his clothes discarded on the chair near the window. No boots or shoes visible. Nothing on the dressing table except a hairbrush that looked as if it had never been used.

  “My dressing room is next door. I only use this room to sleep in, and then only occasionally.” Magnus grimaced as Sophia turned to look at him. “I admit to very often falling asleep on the chaise in my study or the library as I enjoy a glass of brandy after an evening spent working or reading.”

  Sophia’s image of a man who spent most of his time alone, and possibly lonely, deepened.

  “My solitary existence is through choice, not necessity,” Magnus assured her dryly, as if reading her thoughts. “I find Society tedious, and so rarely venture into it. I do occasionally have luncheon with male friends at my club. Otherwise, Clarissa takes up much of my time,” he added ruefully. “But apart from that, I prefer to be alone. Or rather, I preferred to be alone,” he corrected, his eyes darkening. “No other woman, at all, has ever been in my bedchamber,” he added so there should be no doubt left in Sophia’s mind that he did not make a habit of bringing women here.

  It was a small thing for Magnus to admit, and yet it was made all the more important because Magnus had once been a married man. Those few words revealed that Lucy Spencer had never been in this room nor shared Magnus’s bed, nor had any other woman.

  Only Sophia was to be allowed that privilege.

  And she did consider it a privilege, knew that Magnus, more than any other man she had ever met, would ensure her comfort and happiness above his own. Indeed, he had already done so the previous evening, and then again tonight by assuring her he would like to remain her friend even if she decided they were not to become lovers.

  The thought of Magnus becoming her lover brought back feelings of panic inside Sophia. A nervousness that her inexperience and past events suggested she would be unable to satisfy Magnus on a physical level. What if they went to bed together and she could not—

  “Sophia.” Magnus stood so close to her, she could feel the heat of his body through his clothes and her gown, but he made no move to touch her in any way. “I will not think any less of you if you say you would like to spend the night in your own bedchamber after all.”

  She lifted her chin determinedly. “I wish to remain here. With you.”

  He nodded. “Nor will I be disappointed in you if you later decide our lovemaking is too much for you to cope with.”

  Sophia moistened her lips with the tip of her tongue. “It was a long time ago.”

  “It was,” he agreed. “But such things can leave a lasting…distaste for intimacy.”

  “I am hoping that will not be the case tonight.”

  “As do I,” he acknowledge gruffly. “I will now go into my dressing room and leave you the privacy to undress and get into bed.” He touched her cheek lightly before crossing to the door opening into the adjoining room.

  Overwhelming emotions of warmth and gratitude once again swelled in Sophia’s chest as Magnus showed a thoughtfulness she knew many other men would not even have considered giving her. “Magnus!”

  Magnus drew in a calming breath before slowly turning to face her, knowing he would have no choice but to accept it if Sophia had already changed her mind.

  Which would be perfectly understandable when she admitted the only other sexual experience she had ever known, besides his lovemaking last night, was one of pain and humiliation.

  That Magnus wanted to make love to her so badly, his teeth actually ached with that want was of no relevance if Sophia did not want to make love with him.

  “Yes?” he encouraged softly.

  She gave a tentative smile. “Thank you.”

  Magnus was sure his heart actually turned over in his c
hest in the relief of knowing Sophia was not about to leave his bedchamber. “I will only be a few minutes,” he promised warmly.

  Had he ever been this nervous about bedding a woman? Magnus wondered once he was in his dressing room. His thoughts were chaotic with that nervousness as he removed his clothes and then washed in the lukewarm water left over from when he had washed before going down to dinner earlier.

  Probably not, he answered his own question ruefully. His nervousness on his wedding night with Lucy possibly came close to it, but he had not been in love with Lucy as he was with—

  Magnus stilled as he finished that sentence inside his head. I was not in love with Lucy as I am with Sophia.

  How and when that had happened, he had no idea. Possibly at first sight of her. Definitely when he had kissed Sophia before she left Weston House that first day.

  His thoughts and emotions had undergone such a sea change since the two of them met, it did not seem possible that he had only seen Sophia for the first time two short days ago.

  Could one fall in love in such a short length of time?

  Magnus knew that he could, yes.

  Because he now knew himself to be one hundred percent completely in love with Sophia.

  Never having fallen in love before, it was something of a shock to realize that love for Sophia went to the very depths of him. That within just a few short days, she had become a part of his heart and his soul, was in the life’s blood coursing through his body. That she was now his life.

  Whether she could ever come to love him in the same way was questionable. But the fact Sophia was willing to share his bed tonight and was open to the idea of the two of them making love together gave Magnus the hope that she might do so sometime in the future. If not, they would at least have this brief time together before Magnus had no choice but to return to his solitary existence.

  Because he knew, without a doubt, that he could never love another woman as he now loved Sophia. Could never feel so alive just from being in her company and merely breathing the same air as she did.

  Magnus’s love for Sophia was all-consuming.

  A realization that made him even more nervous when he considered how important it was that he ensure Sophia’s well-being and pleasure tonight.

  Rather than return naked to the bedchamber, Magnus drew on his robe and secured it about his waist before opening the door and stepping into the adjoining room.

  Sophia had lit several candles in the bedchamber, giving the room a warm golden glow and allowing him to see her clothes draped across the chair near the window. Her gown. Silk chemise and drawers. Stockings and garters.

  Telling him that Sophia was completely naked in his bed.

  Magnus’s gaze was drawn instinctively to where he could follow the outline of Sophia’s body beneath the bedcovers, slender and willowy, with the full curve of her breasts pressing against the sheet. Her head rested back against several pillows, her long golden hair loose about her shoulders.

  A shy smile curved her plump and kissable lips, a delicate blush in her cheeks as she held up white silk drawers. “I found these under your pillow.”

  He nodded. “As I said you would.” He crossed the room to stand beside the bed. “You take my breath away, you are so very beautiful, Sophia.” He bent at the waist so that his hand could curve about the warmth of one of her cheeks.

  The long length of her throat moved as she swallowed. “I hope you consider that to be true of all of me.” Without further comment, Sophia returned those white silk drawers below the pillow before pushing the bedcovers down to the foot of the bed, baring herself completely to Magnus’s heated gaze.

  Sophia had the most perfect body Magnus had ever seen. It was the body a woman ten years her junior would be proud of. Her legs were long and slender. Golden curls covered her mound. Her abdomen was both smooth and flat—confirming once again that Sophia had never carried a child. Her breasts…oh God, her breasts were things of beauty. Full and pert, and tipped with those strawberry-colored, engorged nipples.

  “Perfect,” he breathed softly. “You are absolutely perfect, Sophia.”

  A delicate blush colored her cheeks. “Will you take off your robe so that I might see you too?”

  In the circumstances, Magnus considered it a perfectly acceptable request. Although he also admitted to being a little nervous. He believed his body to still be trim and muscular, despite his age, from the regular bouts he engaged in at the boxing ring and his swordplay twice a week. But it was a long time since any woman had seen him naked. Nor had it ever mattered so much as it did that Sophia should find him an attractive and worthy lover.

  He unfastened the belt about his waist before shrugging the robe off completely and allowing it to fall to the floor. He could feel the tension in his shoulders as his gaze focused somewhere above Sophia’s head.

  Sophia’s breath caught in her throat at the perfection of Magnus’s body. His legs were long and lean, with the thick length of his cock jutting forward between muscular thighs. His waist was slender, with a wide muscular chest and shoulders above, the arms at his sides showing that same muscled curvature.

  Magnus was every inch a man, from his head to his toes.

  “Perfection.” She echoed his earlier remark in regard to her.

  Some of the tension left his body as his gaze lowered to meet hers. “I somehow doubt that, but as long as you find me acceptable, I am happy.”

  Sophia shifted over on the bed so that he could join her. “I should very much like to touch you.”

  Magnus stepped forward to stretch out full length on the bed beside her, one of his arms bent on the pillow behind his head as he looked at her with warm invitation.

  Sophia felt as if she was being drawn toward him by an invisible magnet as she turned toward him, her fingers appearing pale against his darker flesh as she placed them on Magnus’s chest. That wide and muscular chest was covered in a dusting of dark hair she discovered was silky soft as she ran her fingers through it.

  She lifted her hand to touch the strong column and hollows of Magnus’s throat, those fingers a feather-light caress as they moved down his chest toward where his cock now jutted higher and harder, the tip leaking pre-cum and dampening the dusting of hair near his navel. The dark curls at the base of that rigid cock were, Sophia discovered, as soft and silky as his chest hair.

  Magnus did his best to remain still when Sophia moved to kneel between his parted thighs. The silk of Sophia’s hair brushed against his flesh as she leaned forward, her fingers exploring and caressing his body. His chest. Abdomen. The curling of fingers and a warm palm about his cock, enveloping that hard flesh with the heat of her palm as Magnus fought to restrain himself from reaching out and pulling her down to him. But the unmistakable response of his body was for and because of Sophia, and she deserved to enjoy and explore that response for as long and in whatever way she pleased.

  His fists clenched at his sides as Sophia, seeming emboldened by his silence, began to move that hand up and down his throbbing shaft, sending a surge of need pulsing the length of his cock to heat and swirl in his balls.

  Magnus groaned, his head falling back against the pillows as that sensual caress continued until he felt mindless for more. More of Sophia. More of those caresses. More—

  “Sophia!” Magnus let out a mindless groan as warm breath ghosted over the wetness of his sensitive cockhead before it was completely enveloped in a moist and sucking mouth and those slender fingers slid down to cup the full sac beneath.

  His hips arched up off the bed as Sophia took his cock deeper inside her mouth, her tongue stroking against that sensitized flesh, causing Magnus’s thighs to tighten. She sucked him in again and again, until Magnus felt as if he might explode from the sheer rapturous pleasure of that stroking tongue and the gentle sucking of his cock to the back of Sophia’s throat.

  Sophia’s soft moans of pleasure sent vibrations down the length of Magnus’s shaft, and he cried out again as that wicked t
ongue concentrated on stroking just beneath his cockhead. All the time, Sophia massaged and squeezed the heaviness of his balls. Until Magnus knew he was on the edge of releasing down her silken throat.

  He reached down to grasp her wrist. “No more, Sophia.” His voice was an agonized rasp. “I do not want this to be over before I have made love to you too,” he added when he saw her expression of disappointment as she lifted her head and slowly released his throbbing and wet length. “Lie back for me,” he encouraged, waiting until she had done so before moving to kneel between her parted legs.

  He gathered both her hands in his, threading their fingers together before lifting her arms until her hands rested either side of her head on the pillows.

  Magnus stared down at her for several long seconds. Her flushed and beautiful face surrounded by a halo of silken hair. The delicate arch of her throat. Pert breasts tipped by engorged nipples. Her waist was so slender, Magnus was sure his hands would be able to encircle it. Her hips and thighs were silky smooth. The golden curls on her mound damp from her arousal. The same arousal that slicked the swollen lips between her thighs when she parted her legs even wider in invitation.

  Magnus groaned as he leaned forward to leisurely explore the smoothness and hollows of her throat. The tops of her breasts. Before his parted lips closed over one of her nipples and sucked it into the warmth and wetness of his mouth, hearing Sophia’s gasps, her thighs arching up in need as his tongue laved that ripe berry.

  “Magnus!” she pleaded. “Magnus, please!”

  He lifted his head slightly. “Not yet.” He continued to kiss down her ribs, her abdomen, the curve of her hips, and all the time, the scent of her arousal saturated his senses. “I am going to taste you,” he murmured in warning seconds before his tongue licked from her perineum to the slickness of her channel, before sucking her swollen clit into his mouth.

  Sophia’s hips arched up, and she shattered into a million pieces as her climax washed over and through her. “Please, Magnus,” she heard herself plead in a broken and breathy voice she had never heard herself use before. “Please.”