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Bryn (Dragon Hearts 3) Page 8
Bryn (Dragon Hearts 3) Read online
Page 8
Tegan gasped as Bryn slid farther down the bed until he lay between her parted thighs, and seconds later, she felt his tongue swirl against and over her clit.
She climaxed again.
That marauding tongue moved lower, lapping up the flow of her juices before penetrating the lips of her channel and thrusting deep.
Tegan cried out as she came again.
There was no ending or beginning to those climaxes now as they crashed one on top of another, each one taking her higher, and then higher still. There was only Bryn’s mouth, and his hands pinching and caressing the hardness of her nipples, pleasuring her time and time again until the world faded away and she was consumed by darkness.
“Are you okay?” Bryn softly voiced his concern, knowing Tegan was regaining consciousness. Her lids fluttered before opening completely. “You passed out,” he explained softly as she looked up at him with dazed and questioning eyes.
Color warmed Tegan’s cheeks. “I thought maybe Chloe was exaggerating about that part in her books. She wasn’t,” she added ruefully.
“No,” Bryn conceded lightly. “How do you feel?”
“Wonderful. Satiated.” She looked up at him from beneath dark lashes. “But you must be feeling…uncomfortable now?”
He was. Touching Tegan, tasting her, had intensified Bryn’s arousal to an almost unbearable degree. Having held Tegan in his arms while she slept away her exhaustion had only increased that desire and need. But… “Your comfort is my priority.” His mate had needed to sleep, and while it caused him physical pain not to find his own release, he would protect her needs to his last breath.
“And what about my priority in regard to your comfort?” she teased him.
Teasing was as new to Bryn as the laughter Tegan gave him so freely. As she’d given herself to him so freely just a short time ago.
“I don’t expect you to—” Bryn broke off as one of Tegan’s hands disappeared beneath the bedcovers, his head falling back on the pillows when, seconds later, her fingers curled about the hardness of his cock. His hand moved down to grasp her wrist before she could do any more than touch him. “Tegan, you don’t have to do this.”
She met the intensity of his gaze. “I know that.”
“Do you?” He looked at her anxiously.
She gave him a mischievous grin. “Are you kidding? I have no memory of what I did to you earlier this evening.” She gave a self-disgusted shake of her head. “But I do know I’ve been longing to get my hands and mouth on you again ever since.”
“You have?”
“Oh yes.” She smiled at his uncertainty. “All those other women who were ogling you last night and all day today? Well, they can eat their heart out, because I’m the one who gets to touch and taste all your delicious maleness.”
Bryn chuckled at the unmistakable triumph in her expression. “I’m all yours.” He nodded.
Her eyes glowed with satisfaction. “There’s a lot to be said for assured exclusivity.”
Bryn wondered what she meant by that remark. But as Tegan disappeared beneath the bedcovers to slide her silkiness down the length of his body, and seconds later he felt the moistness of her lips kissing along the length of his cock before taking the bulbous tip into her mouth, all other thoughts but this immediate and all-consuming pleasure fled his mind.
All he could feel was Tegan’s lips as they moved farther down his shaft, wetness and heat surrounding his cock as she took him to the back of her throat. It took every effort of his will to remain unmoving as her tongue stroked along and around the length of that hardness as her lips moved steadily up again. Bryn gave an involuntary groan as the tip of her tongue breached the sensitive slit at the top of his cock.
He wanted—needed to see rather than only feel her lips about the girth of his cock and the silkiness of her dark hair falling onto his thighs and abdomen.
Bryn threw back the bedcovers to look down at Tegan as she knelt between his parted legs, his cock in her mouth, the fingers of one hand curled about the base of his shaft, the other cupping the heaviness of his balls.
He almost came as he saw the length of his cock was slicked with her saliva when she raised up to lick thoroughly over his slit and the bright red glans.
She glanced up at him from beneath her lashes, blue gaze holding his, keeping her mouth on his cock as she slowly and deliberately moved the hand on his balls lower so that one of her fingers could press against and caress the sensitive flesh beneath.
Bryn heard the sound of the sheet ripping beside him as his curled talons pierced the material and the mattress beneath.
Had he said it was centuries since his last physical encounter?
Bryn couldn’t remember that one or any other before it. Or a single one of the women before Tegan.
He felt totally consumed by her, had never known a lover as attuned to his pleasure as she instinctively was.
Her fingers tightened as she began the pump the base of his cock, her lips firm beneath the bulbous top at the same time as her tongue lashed against and entered the sensitive slit at its tip.
The base of Bryn’s spine tingled as indication he was about to find his release. “Tegan, you need to—” He broke off as his body suddenly betrayed him, his control completely gone. His back arched, fierce jets of his cum traveling the length of his cock to shoot hot and thick into Tegan’s mouth to be greedily consumed and swallowed.
The intensity of his release robbed Bryn of breath, his whole being given over to pleasure as Tegan continued to suck and swallow every last bit of his cum.
Good, his dragon purred.
So, so good, Bryn agreed.
So good, Bryn wasn’t sure he would ever be able to move again, his body feeling completely boneless. He just wanted to continue to lie here beside Tegan, to hold her in his arms as he regained his strength, before starting all over again—
“Oh my God, have you seen the time!” Tegan was staring at her wristwatch as she shot up off the bed. “I should be at the Hawke Publishing meet and greet.” She rushed naked to the wardrobe to take out a hanger with a black sheath dress before hurrying to the dressing table and collecting some black underwear. “Damn it, I can’t go down there like this, need to take another shower,” she muttered to herself, the clothes thrown over her arm as she strode toward the adjoining bathroom.
So much for Bryn lying here with Tegan in his arms until he recovered enough to make love to her again.
Well, to hell with Tegan leaving!
Bryn moved with preternatural speed to stand in the doorway of the bathroom. “You aren’t expected at the meeting.”
Tegan’s head went back. “What do you mean?”
Bryn winced, already knowing she wasn’t going to like his answer. “We met Justin Hawke downstairs in the lobby earlier,” he explained gently.
She blinked. “We did?”
He nodded. “He could see you weren’t feeling well—”
“He could? How could he?” Tegan prompted sharply. “Oh God, what did I do?” She groaned her distress. “I didn’t do any of that—that other stuff in front of him, did I?”
Bryn’s chest clenched as he saw the tears glistening in her eyes. “You collapsed. I picked you up in my arms. Hawke stepped out of the elevator as I was about to bring you back upstairs.”
“Oh God.” Tegan crumpled to the carpet at his feet, as if her legs were trembling too badly to support her any longer. “I didn’t do anything inappropriate in front of him, did I?”
There was such a hopeful expression on her face, Bryn didn’t have the heart to tell her she’d been licking his neck and biting his earlobe during his conversation with her employer.
“No,” he assured her, moving down onto his haunches beside her. He immediately turned his legs away slightly as he realized he was baring his cock and balls to Tegan at a time when she obviously had no interest in sex or him.
He hadn’t expected this abrupt end to their lovemaking. But he should have known better. Te
gan’s job was important to her. It was the only reason she was in New York right now.
Bryn didn’t denigrate what they had just shared, it had been too life-changing for him to ever do that, but Tegan wasn’t fully his mate yet, and until she was, those other parts of her life would be equally, if not more important than he was.
Claim her.
Mate her.
Take her to our cave until she accepts she belongs to us.
Bryn ignored the arrogant urgings of his dragon, the human side of him knowing he would never take Tegan’s choice away from her. She came to him willingly as his mate or not at all.
We’ll die.
Then we’ll fucking well die, Bryn shot back at his dragon, because he would never, not in a millennia of lifetimes and a million deaths, ever take Tegan’s free will away from her.
He respected her too much.
He liked her too much.
He loved her.
Yes, he’d fallen in love with Tegan, Bryn acknowledged with what felt like an uplift of his heart.
Not only had he recognized Tegan as his mate the moment they first met, but he’d been falling in love with her from that moment too. He admired her. Her determination. Her defiance. Her strength. He’d observed the warmth and kindness Tegan had shown to others during every single meeting she’d attended since her arrival, even though she was tired and possibly eating her second lunch of the day. Not once, during any of those meetings, had she shown the slightest hint of impatience or the extreme tiredness she had to be feeling following her long flight yesterday and the time difference between here and England.
As for their lovemaking just now…
Bryn had never experienced anything like it before in his long lifetime. Tegan had given to him until she had nothing more to give, and then she had given to him again by making love to him. One thing he did remember from those past encounters: the women expected him to be the one who gave both attention and pleasure.
Bryn now knew it no longer mattered that he and Tegan were from different centuries and different cultures. She wasn’t only his fated mate, she was his soul mate. And right now, she needed something from him. Whatever she needed, whenever she needed it, he would happily give it to her.
“I’ll help you shower and dress.” He straightened before helping her back onto her feet. “We should be able to make the end of the meeting.”
Tegan knew attending yet another of her meetings had to be the last thing Bryn wanted to do right now. Hell, most men would be throwing a fit at having the woman they had just made love with wanting to rush away to a meeting afterward. But because Bryn knew it was important to her, he was willing to forget his own needs and concentrate on hers.
As part of the dragon mating?
Tegan didn’t think so. There was understanding and respect in Bryn’s gaze rather than indulgence. Besides, they hadn’t mated. Exchanged more of that mating aphrodisiac, yes—even now, Tegan could feel it burning through her system—but Bryn hadn’t bitten her nape and completed the mating. No, she was sure his consideration now was purely toward her, Tegan, rather than his mate.
She lifted a hand and gently touched one of his hard cheeks. “Thank you.”
He gave what could only be called a feral grin. “It isn’t all self-sacrifice,” he teased. “I intend sharing the shower with you.”
Tegan chuckled. “Then I may never make that meeting.”
“You will,” he promised.
Chapter 10
“Your fiancé is very attentive,” Justin Hawke drawled as he handed Tegan a glass of champagne.
Fiancé? Was that how Bryn had explained their…togetherness to Justin earlier this evening?
She glanced across to where Bryn stood leaning against the wall by the doorway into the crowded reception room. Far enough away not to cramp her style as she chatted with other editors and the new and old company management, but close enough he could come to her aid, if necessary.
The fact that several of the women in the room had made a beeline for him the moment he was alone had irritated Tegan immensely. Not that he’d encouraged their interest; in fact, the opposite, but still…
She and Bryn made love again earlier, once in the shower and again before they both dressed. Still only oral sex, but…Bryn was hers, damn it!
Not yet, he wasn’t, Tegan reminded herself.
It would be so much easier if Bryn just took this situation out of her hands, gave her the mating bite, and got this over with. Instead, he was determined she would be the one to make that decision. A decision that could just as easily end his life, as well as her own, if she chose not to become his mate.
Tegan turned back to Justin. “You don’t mind Bryn being here, do you? Our engagement is still pretty new.” She was happy to go along with that explanation if Bryn was.
“Not at all,” Justin assured. “I’m not about to lose my best editor anytime soon, am I?” he teased.
“Flatterer.” She snorted. “We both know I’m the rookie in the company. Last in, first out.” She grimaced.
“Not necessarily,” Justin answered seriously. “I can think of several other editors I would rather sacrifice instead of you.”
Tegan frowned. “There will be redundancies, then?”
He shrugged. “That’s a management meeting and conversation for another day. But I’m glad you’re feeling better,” he added lightly. “You looked pretty out of it in the lobby earlier.”
Tegan avoided meeting his gaze, still not sure how much her boss had seen of her behavior. “Jet lag can be a bitch.”
Justin laughed. “Believe me, it gets worse as you get older.”
She snorted. “You don’t look in the least jet-lagged.” Her silver-haired boss looked as elegant and sophisticated as he always did.
“Thank you, kind lady.” He gave an exaggerated bow. “Now I had better go and circulate some more before the meeting breaks up completely. If I were you, I’d put your young man out of his misery and leave.”
“Have fun,” Tegan said, knowing she was about ready to call it a night. Several people had already left with the excuse they had early meetings in the morning, and Tegan had spoken to everyone she needed to speak to.
Besides, Bryn had been extremely patient considering he didn’t know anyone in the room apart from her and Justin, and had made it more than clear he didn’t want to know anyone either. His rebuttals of those women brave enough to approach him had become terser and terser as the evening drew to a close.
Plus, the desire once again coursing hotly through Tegan’s body, demanding the attention of her mate, was also becoming very uncomfortable.
Not that Bryn looked as if he were suffering in the same way, appearing totally relaxed and in control since they left their suite earlier. It irritated Tegan that he wasn’t consumed by the same desire she was. She wished, just once, he would—
Would what?
Go caveman on her—literally—and lose that steely control, if only for a short time?
Not going to happen. Bryn was the most controlled person she’d ever met. He’d lightened up a little in the past twenty-four hours, even laughed a few times, something he’d said he hadn’t done for a long time. Centuries. He also made love with an expertise that had Tegan panting for more. At the same time, he maintained complete control over his own desires.
Sometimes a woman needed to be swept off her feet. Seduced, made love to, as if the man would go insane with hunger for her if he didn’t have her.
Bryn quirked one dark, questioning brow as Tegan approached him. She swished past him without speaking, head held high as she continued out of the room.
Unfortunately for Steven, he was the first person she saw as she stepped out into the noisy, crowded lobby. He was seated with a pretty blonde at a table in the crowded bar area. The other woman’s expression was rapt as she hung on his every word. Which was the way Steven liked his women, obviously.
Tegan hadn’t forgotten the parcel of black lace
underwear delivered by room service earlier and waiting for her in her suite. How could she when it had been the catalyst to everything that came after? Bryn revealing himself and his brothers as being true dragon shifters. The fact that Tegan was his mate. The intensity of her desire for him.
She marched straight over to Steven’s table before giving herself any more time to think, bending down so that her face was only inches away from his. “You send me any more roses, pornographic underwear, or other stuff, and I’m going to take great pleasure in having you arrested for harassment!”
“What the hell—!” Steven half rose to his feet as he shot the pretty blonde an uncomfortable glance.
“Sit,” Bryn instructed, his hand on Baker’s shoulder pushing the other man back down into his seat.
Despite the beginnings of those tendrils of the mating between them, Bryn hadn’t been able to gauge Tegan’s mood at all as she left the Hawke Publishing meet and greet. She’d seemed comfortable enough when chatting to her boss, but there had been a challenging glitter to her eyes when she approached Bryn and continued walking past him. Confronting Baker in a public place was definitely not something Bryn would have expected of her.
Baker turned his head and spoke to Bryn rather than Tegan. “I would appreciate it if you would get your—whatever Tegan is to you—under control.”
“You know exactly what I’m talking about,” Tegan scorned before giving the blonde sitting at the table a pitying glance. “Run while you can,” she advised. “Believe me when I say Steven is a complete creep you really don’t want to get involved with.”
“Now just a goddamn minute!” It was testament to Baker’s agitation that he managed to dislodge Bryn’s hand and rise fully to his feet. “I have no idea what your problem is, Tegan, but I’m not going to let you slander me in this way.”
Her chin rose. “It isn’t slander when it’s the truth.”
Baker glared at her. “Is this what your rudeness yesterday was all about too?” He gave a disgusted shake of his head. “We went out together twice. Twice!”